
Against the disease, with the patients

The missions of our foundation all aim at improving the management of digestive diseases and the patients' quality of life. They focus on four major areas: promoting and funding research, training care providers, supporting patients and raising awareness of these taboo diseases.

Funding research


DigestScience supports leading-edge research European programs, defined by an international Scientific Council, that may provide direct and quick benefit to patients. DigestScience's research strategy is based on ambitious programs that provide selected teams with appropriate means to carry out their investigations. The funding offered by DigestScience is among the most important at the European level, as far as these diseases are concerned.

Patient Support

malade et medecin

DigestScience introduced therapeutic education of IBD patients in Northern France, as well as education workshops. Dedicated events help patients better comply with and accept their treatment, take charge of their health and remain hopeful.

Training care providers to the management of digestive diseases

groupe de medecins

Chronic digestive diseases such as Crohn's Disease or Ulcerative Colitis (UC) are little known and often tabooed, while they require very specific, long-term care. In order to address the numerous requests from health care professionals, DigestScience funds and conducts trainings and clinical workshops to teach care providers how to manage these patients and provide them with the most appropriate care. These trainings are also open to students.

Digestive Diseases Education and Awareness


Digestive diseases remain little known by the general public. DigestScience has a mission to improve education about and awareness of these conditions, raise funds for research, encourage patients to overstep their fear, renew social links, do or redo sport… To do so, several events are organized every year. A nice way to get committed, communicate positively, rise to challenges...