Internal Bodies

A public interest research foundation

Created in 2008, DigestScience is a public interest foundation, entirely dedicated to digestive diseases. It is organized to keep running costs to a minimum, so that the largest possible part of donations is poured into research and the activities of the foundation.

A small team in the field:

  • Philippe Clauw, Director
  • Stéphanie Lagny, Communication /Administratif Officer
  • Simon Larochette, Partnership/Public Event Officer

Financed by donations from individuals and corporations

Guided by an international scientific committee

Supervised by a board of directors

Board of Directors

Pierre Desreumaux

Pr. Pierre Desreumaux








Pr. Antoine Cortot

Pr. Antoine Cortot

Qualified expert

Jean-Michel Lobry

Jean Michel Lobry

Qualified expert


Pr. Stephane Nancey

Qualified expert

Jean Reveillon

Jean Reveillon

Qualified expert

Kristin Wannerberger

Kristine Wannerberger

Qualified expert

Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lille

Lille University Hospital Center

Ex-officio member

Université de Lille

University of Lille

Ex-officio member



Ex-officio member

Commissaire du gouvernement

The Government Commissioner

International Scientific Committee

This committee consisting of 6 members assists the Board of Directors regarding the scientific orientations of DigestScience. It includes internationally recognized scientists and clinicians with various areas of expertise.

Pr. Jean-Frédéric Colombel

Pr. Jean-Frédéric Colombel

Pr. Laurent Beaugerie

Pr. Laurent Beaugerie

Pr. Julian Panes

Pr. Julian Panes

Pr. Giovanni Barbara

Pr. Giovanni Barbara

Dr. Simon Travis

Dr. Simon Travis

Pr. Séverine Vermeire

Pr. Séverine Vermeire