
 A donation-funded foundation. Recognized for its public utility, DigestScience is financed solely by donations from corporations and individuals, as well as the revenue generated by the foundation's activities: sporting events such as Testathlon, cultural events, sales of charity products, etc.
It is organized so that the largest part of donations goes to research, in full transparency.

Today, it is critical to support medical research. Societal and environmental changes result in new problems, against which we need to mobilize; these diseases are a real challenge for the scientific and the medical community, as we don't know how to cure them. Even more essential in such a context, the collection of private funds is a new independent weapon to "boost" medical research.

Maximum share of donations for research

Thanks to limited staff consisting of 3 employees, to the volunteer participation of the Board of Directors and Scientific Council members, and to the logistic support of many partners, the DigestScience foundation redistributes 100% of the donations received to the fight against digestive diseases.

100% donations poured into research

Responsible management, financial transparency and ethics

Low operating costs, events that generate revenues, audited accounts, etc.

  • A government commissioner, appointed by the Interior Minister after consultation of the Minister of Research, ensures observance of the articles of association and of the public purpose in all activities of the foundation.
  • Management of the funds raised by the foundation is regularly controlled by a statutory auditor. Our management aims at maximizing the share of funds allocated to research and regularly controlling their use.
  • An annual report and accounting records are submitted on annual basis to the Prefect, the Interior Ministry and the Ministry of Research.