This privacy policy applies to the website.

The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform users of the site of the following information:

  • The way in which their personal data is collected and processed. Any data that might identify a user must be considered as personal data.
  • Users' rights regarding personal data that concerns them.
  • The identity of the person responsible for processing the personal data collected and processed.
  • The identity of the persons to whom this data will be transmitted and/or those who have access to that data.
  • The site's policy regarding cookie files.

This privacy policy supplements the legal notices that users can consult at the following address:


In accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of European Regulation 2016/679, the collection and processing of data from users of the site is carried out in accordance with the following principles:

  • Legality, fairness and transparency: data may only be collected and processed with the consent of the user who is the owner of that data. Whenever personal data is collected, the user will be informed that their data is being collected and for what purposes their data is being collected.
  • Limited purposes: the collection and processing of data will be carried out in order to meet one or more of the purposes set out in this privacy policy.  
  • Minimizing data collection and processing: only the data necessary for the proper execution of the objectives pursued by the site will be collected.
  • Storage of data for a limited period of time: the data will be stored for a limited period of time, and the user will be informed of this.
  • Integrity and confidentiality of the data collected and processed: the data controller undertakes to guarantee the integrity and confidentiality of the data collected.

In order to be lawful under Article 6 of European Regulation 2016/679, the collection and processing of personal data may only take place if the user has expressly consented to its handling.


A. Data collected and processed and method of collection

Four forms on the website allow the collection of personal data:

  • The registration form for the various events organized by the foundation
  • The contact form
  • The newsletter registration form
  • The donation form to the foundation

These forms allow, depending on the case, the collection of the following data:

  • Name
  • First name
  • Address
  • Post code
  • Town
  • Country
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Date of birth
  • Company or organization

This data will always be that which is entered by the user when completing and submitting the relevant form, indicating his or her consent to the processing of this data for the purposes inherent in each form. These are detailed below:

  • The collection and processing of data via the registration forms for the various events organised by the foundation is intended to be used by the staff in charge of managing event registrations in order to take into account, confirm and manage these registrations in order to ensure that the events run smoothly. Persons registered for events may be contacted by the foundation's staff to promote the foundation's other activities.
  • The collection and processing of data via the Foundation's contact form is intended to be used by the staff responsible for responding to contact requests in order to respond to such contact requests. Persons contacting the Foundation via the contact form agree to be contacted by the Foundation's staff.
  • The purpose of collecting and processing data via the DigestScience Foundation's newsletter registration form is to be used by the staff responsible for sending and managing the newsletter in order to send the newsletter to those who have registered via this form. This newsletter consists of one to two emails per month to provide news about the DigestScience Foundation. Access to this personal data may be given to one or more service providers responsible for the delivery and management of the newsletter on behalf of the Foundation.
  • The purpose of collecting and processing data via the donation form to the DigestScience Foundation is to be used by the staff responsible for processing donations to the DigestScience Foundation to monitor and control transactions.  In addition, people who have sent their personal data via this form may, in their capacity as donors, be contacted by the staff of the DigestScience Foundation.

The data controller will keep all the data collected in his computer systems under reasonable security measures for a period of 3 years.

B. Transmission of data to third parties

Newsletter registration data will be transmitted to MailChimp, an emailing solution, which uses all technical and organisational means to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations.

The data processed by MailChimp as part of the newsletter is processed in the United States, in compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations. You may find further information about MailChimp's commitments to personal data protection by following this link:

All DigestScience Foundation data is backed up on the servers of Wave Surfing Consulting, managed by Mr Eric Dubois, registered with SIRET under number 490889136 00019 and located at 430 rue du Ghien 59310 Beuvry la foret. This company does not have the permission to view or process in any way the personal data that is included in the saved data. The sole purpose of transmitting data to this third party is to backup the data from DigestScience Foundation servers and computers in order to anticipate situations requiring the restoration of this data.

C. Data hosting

The website is hosted by OVH, a leading company in website hosting, whose head office is located at 2 rue Kellermann in Roubaix, 59100. OVH can be contacted by phone on 09 72 10 10 10 07.

The data collected and processed by the site is hosted and processed in France.


A. Data controller and data protection officer

The data controller is Simon Larochette. He can be contacted by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone at

The data controller is responsible for determining the purposes and means used to process personal data.

B. Obligations of the data controller

The controller undertakes to protect any personal data collected, to not transmit them to third parties without the user having been informed and to respect the purposes for which the data was collected.

In addition, the data controller undertakes to notify the user in the event of rectification or deletion of the data, unless this would entail disproportionate formalities, costs and procedures.

In the event that the integrity, confidentiality or security of the user's personal data is compromised, the controller undertakes to inform the user by any appropriate means.


In accordance with the regulations concerning the processing of personal data, the user has the following rights.

In order for the data controller to comply with his or her request, the user is required to provide him with: his or her first name and surname and e-mail address.

The data controller is obliged to reply to the user within a maximum delay of 30 days.

A. Presentation of the user's rights in terms of data collection and processing

  • Right of access, rectification and deletion The user may review, update, modify or request the deletion of his/her data by contacting the data controller.
  • Right to data portabilityThe user has the right to request the portability of his personal data, held by the site, to another site. The user may contact the data controller to obtain the personal data concerning him or her in order to import them into another site.
  • Right to limit and object to data processing The user has the right to request the limitation or to oppose the processing of his or her data by the site, without the site being able to refuse, unless he or she can demonstrate the existence of legitimate and compelling reasons, which may prevail over the user's interests and rights and freedoms.  In order to request the limitation of the processing or to formulate an objection to the processing of his data, the user may contact the controller.
  • Right to not be the subject of decisions based exclusively on automated processesIn accordance with the provisions of Regulation 2016/679, the user has the right not to be the subject of a decision based exclusively on an automated process if the decision produces legal effects concerning him or her, or significantly affects him or her in a similar way. Our newsletters are distributed by an automated process, although some emails are only sent to certain groups of people who have subscribed to the newsletter.  In order to exercise your right not to be the subject of a decision based exclusively on an automated process while continuing to receive invitations and offers concerning you, please contact the data controller.
  • Right to determine the treatment of data after deathUsers are reminded that they can organise the treatment of their data collected and processed following their decease, in accordance with law n°2016-1321 of 7 October 2016.  You may contact the controller to specify how your data will be handled in the event of your death and how your death will be notified to him.
  • Right to have recourse to the competent supervisory authorityIn the event that the data controller decides not to respond to the user's request and the user wishes to contest this decision or if he or she believes that any of the rights listed above are being infringed, he or she is entitled to bring the matter before the CNIL or any competent judge.

B. Personal data of minors

In accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of European Regulation 2016/679 and the Data Protection Act, only minors aged 15 or over may consent to the processing of their personal data. If the user is a minor under 15 years of age, the consent of a legal representative is required in order to collect and process personal data. The site administrator reserves the right to check by any means that the user is over 15 years of age or has obtained the consent of a legal representative before browsing the site or subscribing to the newsletter.


The site uses cookie technology.

A cookie is a small file (less than 4 kb), stored by the site on the user's hard disk, containing information concerning the user's browsing habits.

These files allows the processing of statistics and traffic information, facilitate navigation and improve service for the user's comfort.

The user's consent is necessarily required for the use of cookie files involving the storage and analysis of personal data.

This user's consent is considered valid for a maximum period of 13 months. At the end of this period, the site will again request the user's authorization to save cookie files on his or her hard disk.

The user is informed that he or she may avoid the storage of these cookie files by configuring his or her browser software.

For further information, the user can follow the steps to configure his browser software to prevent the recording of cookie files at the following websites:

In the event that the user decides to deactivate cookie files, he or she may continue browsing the site. However, any malfunction of the site caused by this manipulation could not be considered as being due to the publisher of the site.

The site administrator draws the user's attention to the fact that the following cookies are used when browsing the site:

  • _cfuid : Security cookie issued by Cloudflare (More information here)
  • _utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmt, _utmz, _utmv : Cookies used by Google Analytics for Site Traffic Analysis (More info here)
  • has_js: Cookie issued by our Drupal content management system to determine if Javascript is enabled in the user's browser (More info here)
  • mediaplanBAK, mediaplanD, SESSION_ID : Technical cookies used for the distribution of the bandwidth load, issued by our host OVH.
  • dsid, ide and other advertising cookies used by Google. More information here.


This privacy policy can be viewed at any time at The site administrator reserves the right to modify this policy to ensure that it complies with applicable law. Consequently, the user is invited to consult this privacy policy regularly in order to be kept informed of the latest changes that may be made.The user is informed that this privacy policy was last updated on 27/11/2018.